Ever more complex sequences of movements in indus -
trial applications demand twistable and/or three-dimensional
flexible cables with a long service life similar to the
classic chainflex® cables for use in linear e-chainsystems®.
Wires, stranded, shields and sheathing materials must
compensate both major changes in bending load and
changes in diameter due to torsional movements. For this purpose, different "soft" structural elements e.g.
rayon fibres, PTFE elements or filling elements that absorb
torsion forces are used in chainflex® ROBOT cables.
Special demands are made on the braided shielding in
torsion cables. Torsion-optimised shield structures are
chosen that can carry out the necessary compensatory
movements thanks to special PTFE gliding films.
With twistable bus cables in particular, the transmission
characteristics such as attenuation, cable capacity and
signal quality must remain within very tight tolerance
ranges over the whole service life. This is achieved through the use of particularly torsionoptimised
insulating materials and mechanical attenuation
elements with matching capacity values.