Downtimes belong to the past.

Multidimensional energy supply for painting robot

The requirements of a painting robot are distinct: It should function smoothly under all conditions. Time is money, therefore low downtimes and set-up times should also accrue in the daily operations. After a multidimensional energy supply system was installed, an error-free painting could be provided and with it the round-the-clock availability of the robot.

A painting robot was equipped with an energy supply system from igus GmbH, Cologne, in the course of a replacement of the previous system two years ago. Used here is the multidimensional energy supply system Triflex R in the so-called "Easy" design (TRE). Besides its safety in quick motions, the emphasis was on simple filling. The product series has been specially developed for robotic applications.

"We had continuous problems with the original solution, a grooved hose. It tore time and again. Moreover it didn't have proper mountings so that the cables were extremely strained in complex movements. Since its conversion the painting robot runs completely free of errors," confirms Uwe Weißhoff.

1.2 million painted door seals

We produce 2,000 pieces per shift in three shifts. That's approximately 600,000 pieces every year. In plain language it means the robot with the replaced energy supply system has already painted around 1.2 million seals - and that without any failure," reports Uwe Weißhoff. At an acceleration of 800 mm/s², the energy supply system and the cables inside are extremely stressed. "We cannot make any compromise on the speed due to the high number of pieces produced," clarifies Uwe Weißhoff.

On top of that comes the conditions in the painting cabin. The paint mist leads to heavy dirt accumulations. It settles everywhere and accordingly leads to adhesions. "The application conditions are fairly extreme," asserts the employee responsible for process development.

Spray-painting robot  
Two energy supply systems in operation

The painting robot has in the meantime been equipped with a second TRE energy supply system, also with a minimum bending radius of 87 mm. With this additional system a paint sprayer is operated for subtler tasks. "We have become more flexible with the second completely separate solution. They are easy to handle during replacement and is just mounted on the adapter of the robot," says Uwe Weißhoff.

"And when we have to replace a dirty media hose or cable, there is no problem at all. They are simply pressed in from the outside," confirms Uwe Weißhoff. "The simple filling is due to the so-called "Easy" design," explains the igus product manager, Jochen Weber. "The cables or hoses need not be routed through the chain. It has another major advantage in that the fixtures or plug connections need not be dismantled for filling."

Spray-painting robot  
272 chain links for more flexibility

The TRE energy supply system fully reveals its strength when it comes to shortening or lengthening. A simple attachment and separation are possible through the "ball and socket" design (trailer principle). A screwdriver is enough. The number of chain links has an effect not only on the flexibility of the entire energy supply, but also facilitates a safe guidance of the cables even around difficult geometrical shapes. 272 chain links in an overall length of about 4 meters provides unlimited plant availability to a painting robot.

Standard in the rough daily operations

"For this painting robot we supplied an energy supply system tailored to meet on-site requirements from our standard product range in the shortest possible time," says Jochen Weber. Only the mounting brackets with integrated strain relief systems come as accessories.

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