Waffle production

Typical materials and products

To find in applications like:

Waffle irons

Format adjustments

Door movements

Application examples

iglidur® X

iglidur® X bearings (tempered) in waffle baking devices


Waffle baking machine


Pivoting movements possible at temperatures of up to 200°C

No corrosion due to high humidity

High wear resistance

Stable lead screw linear system for removing ice-cream wrappers

Simple, robust and efficient linear system used in an industrial waffle baking system.

Format adjustment of a prism bar

Alignment and format adjustment of a prism bar in the stripping station for ice-cream wrappers

Position adjustment with an adjustable lead screw linear table

Position adjustment of the dough spraying tube with an adjustable lead screw linear table.

Safety hood adjustment with maintenance-free hybrid bearings

Safety hood adjustment with maintenance-free hybrid bearings for the lowest adjustment forces

More information for this application

More application examples

Wafer baking tongs

Due to the excellent wear resistance and freedom from lubrication, iglidur® X6 bearings are used in wafer baking tongs.

Wafer baking tongs    

Baking and conveyor unit

In this baking and conveyor unit, DryLin® T and DryLin® N flat guides are used.

Baking and conveyor unit    

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