From the simple plastic bearing to high-tech machine element

50 years of igus® / 30 years of iglidur®

Three decades ago, igus® presented its fi rst iglidur® polymer plain bearing – a lubricant-free and maintenance- free plastic plain bearing for dry-running applications. Thanks to decades of research with the plastic material and its tribological – optimised for friction and wear behaviour – properties, igus® now has the world‘s largest range of tribo-optimised plain, spherical and linear bearings made of plastic and provides a reliable service life calculation via the Internet.

Company founders Günter and Margret Blase in front of their “double garage” from 1964


First iglidur® glide element: plug valve for Pierburg company

dry-tech® bearings ... don’t lubricate – durch Innovationen

By constantly developing new innovations in tribological optimised igus® plastics enables its customers to save the cost and increase the quality of machinery and equipment. Driven by the success of recent years, we can present numerous innovations at the HMI in again this year. Highlights from the 114 new products in 2014 are the multifunctional iglidur® tribo tape, the fi rst tribo fi lament for 3D printers or the PRT-02-20-P slewing ring bearing made 100% from plastics – products that enhance the versatility and performance of plastics in motion – prove – motion plastics®.

First iglidur® polymer plain bearing from 1983


drylin® W – one of igus® success story

motion plastics® – plastics in motion

The continuous research and development of plastics for moving applications pays off for our customers. Today there are 45 different iglidur® materials in our plain bearing range for various requirements: For the use in high temperatures, in chemicals or in heavy duty applications. The task of the tribological optimised plastics in motion is to actuate, to feed and to move installations, machinery and products. motion plastics® have become indispensable in the automotive, chemical and wood industries, mechanical and plant engineering or even robotics.

The motion plastics® promises:

Cost down, life up

Calculate lifetime online

Delivery from 24 hours

iglidur®-Experte 2.0: Find online and calculate the lifetime


New iglidur® tribo tape: wear-resistant and cost effective


150 years with the company – with motion in the future
l. to r.: Tobias Vogel, Head of Sales & Marketing Bearings; Michael Blaß, Vice President, Head of Sales & Marketing e-chainsystems®; Frank Blase, CEO; Gerhard Baus, Vice President, Head of Business Unit Polymer Bearings; Artur Peplinski, Vice President, Head of International Group Development & Marketing; Harald Nehring, Vice President, Head of Business Unit e-chainsystems®; Christoph Müller, Vice President, Head of Finance and Controlling


Current bird’s eye view of the flexible igus® factory in Cologne


50 years of igus® / 43 years of e-chains®

the-chain ... moving energy made easy - 50 years of igus® / 43 years of e-chains®.

50 years of igus® / 43 years of e-chains®    

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