iglidur® J - Material data

Materials table

Genera l features Unit iglidur® J test method
Density g/cm³ 1,49
Colour yellow
Max. humidity absorption at 23°C/50% R. H. % weight 0,3 DIN 53495
Max. water absorption % weight 1,3
Coefficient of surface friction, dynamic, against steel µ 0,06 - 0,18
pv values (dry) MPa x m/s 0,34

Mechanical properties
Bending E-module MPa 2.400 DIN 53457
Tensile strength at +20 °C MPa 73 DIN 53452
compressive strength MPa 60
Maximum recommended surface pressure (20° C) MPa 35
Shore D-hardness 74 DIN 53505

Physical and thermal properties
Max. long term application temperature °C +90
Max. short term application temperature °C +120
Minimum application temperature °C -50
thermal / heat conductivity [W/m x K] 0,25 ASTM C 177
Coefficient of thermal expansion (at 23° C) [K-1 x 10-5] 10 DIN 53752

Electrical properties
Specific forward resistance Ωcm > 1013 DIN IEC 93
surface resistance Ω > 1012 DIN 53482
'Table 01: Material Data

Fig. 01: Permitted pv values for iglidur® J bearings with 1 mm wall thickness in dry operation against a steel shaft, at +20°C, installed in a steel housing.

X = surface speed [m/s]
Y = load [MPa]


The iglidur® J bearings are characterized most notably by their extremely low coefficients of friction in dry operation and very low stick-slip effect.

Figure 02: Maximum recommended surface pressure dependent on the temperature (35 MPa to +20 °C)

X = Temperature [°C]
Y = Load [MPa]


Figure 03: Deformation under load and temperatures

X = Load [MPa]
Y = Deformation [%]

Mechanical properties

The pressure resistance of iglidur® J plain bearings declines with increasing temperatures. Fig. 02 clarifies this connection. With the long-term permitted application temperature of +90°C, the permitted surface pressure still amounts to 20 MPa. Maximum recommended surface pressure represents a mechanical material parameter. Tribological conclusions cannot be drawn from it.



With a maximum recommended surface pressure of 35 MPa, the iglidur® J bearings are not suitable for extreme loads. The Fig. 03 shows the elastic deformation of iglidur® J with radial loads.

Maximum surface speed

m/s Rotary oscillating Linear
Constant 1,5 1,1 8
Short-term 3 2,1 10

Table 02: Maximum surface speeds

Permitted surface speeds

The low coefficients of friction and the very low stick-slip effect of iglidur® J bearings are particularly important in very low speeds. iglidur® J can also be used however for speeds above 1 m/s. In both cases the static friction is very low and stick-slip is completely absent. The maximum values stated in the Table 02 can be attained only with minimum pressure loads. The stated values show the speed at which the temperature rises according to friction to the highest permitted value.

iglidur® J Operating temperature
Lower - 50 °C
Upper, long-term + 90 °C
Upper, short-term + 120 °C
Secure axially in addition + 60 °C

Table 03: Temperature limits for iglidur® J


The iglidur® J bearings are usable between -50° C and +90° C; the short-term permitted maximum temperature is 120° C. Above +80°C the wear increases extremely. An additional securing is recommended at temperatures higher than +60°C.

iglidur® J Dry Grease Oil Water
Coefficients of friction µ 0,06 - 0,18 0,09 0,04 0,04

Table 04: Coefficients of friction for iglidur® J against steel (Ra = 1 μm, 50 HRC)

Friction and wear

Just like the wear resistance, the coefficient of friction µ also alters with the load (Fig. 04 and 05).

Figure 04: Coefficients of friction dependent on the surface speed, p = 0.75 MPa

X = Surface speed [m/s]
Y = Coefficient of friction μ


Figure 05: Coefficients of friction dependent on the load, v = 0,01 m/s

X = Load [MPa]
Y = Coefficient of friction μ

Wear, rotating application with various shaft materials

Figure 06: Wear, rotating application with different shaft materials, p = 1 MPa, v = 0.3 m/s
X = shaft materials
Y = wear [μm/km]
A = Aluminum, hard anodized
B = machining steel
C = Cf53
D = Cf53, hard chrome-plated
E = St37
F = V2A
G = X90

Shaft materials

Friction and wear also depend to a high degree on the reverse partner. With increasing shaft coarseness the coefficient of friction of the pairing too rises. The best suited is a smoothed surface with an average surface finish of Ra = 0.1 to 0.3 µm. Figures 06 and 07 display a summary of the results of tests with different shaft materials conducted with iglidur® J plain bearings. Compared to the most other iglidur® materials, the wear of iglidur® J plain bearings with low loads is extremely low with all tested shaft materials. The wear resistance of iglidur® J bearings is exceptional even with rising loads in the range of up to 5 MPa. Please contact us in case the shaft material scheduled by you is not included here.

Wear in swivelling and rotating applications

Figure 07: Wear in pivoting and rotating applications with various shaft materials, p = 2 MPa
Y = wear [μm/km]
A = Cf53
B = hard chrome-plated
C = V2A
D = St37
E = rotating
F = oscillating


Medium Resistance
Alcohols +
Hydrocarbons +
Greases, oils without additives +
Fuels +
Diluted acids 0 to -
Strong acids -
Diluted bases +
Strong bases + to 0
+ resistant      0 conditionally resistant      - non-resistant
All specifications at room temperature[+20 °C]
Table 05: Chemical resistance of iglidur®

Electrical properties iglidur® J bearings are electrically insulating.

Specific forward resistance > 1013 Ωcm
Surface resistance > 1012 Ω

Further properties

chemical resistance
iglidur® J bearings are resistant to diluted alkalis and very weak acids as well as to fuels and all kinds of lubricants. The low humidity absorption allows them to be used in wet or humid environment. The bearings made of iglidur® J are resistant to common cleaning agents used in the food industry.

Radioactive rays The iglidur® J bearings are radiation resistant up to a radiation intensity of 3 • 102 Gy.

UV-resistantiglidur® J bearings change color under the influence of UV rays. However, the material properties do not change.

VacuumIn vacuum, iglidur® J plain bearings degases. For this reason only dry bearings are suitable for vacuum.

Maximum moisture absorption
by +23 °C/50 % r. F. 0,3 weight-%
Max. water absorption 1,3 weight-%

Table 06: Moisture absorption of iglidur® J

humidity absorption / moisture absorption

The humidity absorption of iglidur® J bearings amounts to about 0,3% in standard climatic conditions. The saturation limit in water is 1,3 %. These values are so low that a moisture expansion need to be considered only in extreme cases.

d1 [mm]
h9 [mm]
iglidur® J
E10 [mm]
Housing H7
Up to 3 0 - 0,025 +0,014 +0,054 0 +0,010
> 3 bis 6 0 - 0,030 +0,020 +0,068 0 +0,012
> 6 bis 10 0 - 0,036 +0,025 +0,083 0 +0,015
> 10 bis 18 0 - 0,043 +0,032 +0,102 0 +0,018
> 18 bis 30 0 - 0,052 +0,040 +0,124 0 +0,021
> 30 bis 50 0 - 0,062 +0,050 +0,150 0 +0,025
> 50 bis 80 0 - 0,074 +0,060 +0,180 0 +0,030
> 80 bis 120 0 - 0,087 +0,072 +0,212 0 +0,035
> 120 bis 180 0 - 0,100 +0,085 +0,245 0 +0,040

Table 07: Important tolerances for iglidur® J bearings according to ISO 3547-1 after the press-fit.

Installation tolerances

iglidur® J bearings are standard bearings for shafts with h-tolerance (recommended minimum h9). The bearings are designed for press-fit in a housing with h7 tolerance. After the installation in a housing with nominal diameter, the inner diameter of the bearing automatically adjusts to the E10 tolerance. In certain dimensions the tolerance in dependence on the wall thickness deviates from this (See delivery program )

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