xiros® chemical resistance

The data on chemical or media resistance are based on tests on specimens and on general published data available on the individual components of the iglidur materials. The above information is not applicable to other temperatures and concentrations of the individual chemicals or media. The interactions between the individual chemicals/media are also not taken into account, which may lead to an alteration in the resistance of iglidur® plain bearings. The resistance to these chemicals must be tested under practical operation conditions. All specifications apply to room temperature; significant differences in the chemical resistance can occur at elevated temperatures. This information is based on our present state of knowledge. In principle, we recommend application-specific tests under real application conditions.

Chemicals PEEK - cage PP - cage PA - cage
Acetaldehyde (aqueous) 40% + + o
Acetamide (aqueous) 50% + K. A +1
Acetones + + +
Acetyl chloride K. a.   K. a. -
Acrylnitrile + + +
Allyl alcohol + + o
Aluminium chloride (aqueous) 10% + + o
Aluminium cleaner o K. a. -
Aluminum salts of mineral acids 20% K. a. K. a. o
Aluminium sulphate (aqueous) 10% + + o
Acetic acid (aqueous) 2% o + -
Acetic acid 10% - + -
Acetic acid 90%  - + -
Ammonium carbonate (aqueous) 10% + + +1
Ammonium chloride (aqueous) 10% + + +1
Amyl acetate 100% + o -
Amyl alcohol  + + +
Aniline (aqueous) saturated solution + + o
Anisole  + o +
Aromatics  K. a. K. a. +
Barium chloride (aqueous) 10 % + + o
Barium salts of mineral acids K. a. K. a. o
Barium sulphate (aqueous) 10% + + o
Benzaldehyde   + + o
Benzoic acid (aqueous) 20% + + o
Benzyl alcohol  + + +
Biphenyl K. a. K. a. +
Bitumen, DIN 51 567 + o o
Lead acetate (aqueous) 10% + + o
caustic solution + K. a. -
caustic solution (aqueous) 10% + K. a. -
Lead stearate  + K. a. +
Drilling oils K. a. K. a. +
Boric acid (aqueous) 10% + + o
Spirit vinegar + + o
Catechol (aqueous) 6% + K. a. -
Pyruvic acid (aqueous) 10% K. a. K. a. o
Bromine (aqueous) 25% + - -
Bromine vapors K. a. o -
Hydrobromic acid (aqueous) 10% + + -
Butanol   + + +
Butter   + + +
Butyric acid   + + o
Butyl acetate   + + +
Butyl glycolate K. a. K. a. +
Butyl glycol + + +
Butyl phthalate K. a. + +
Calcium chloride (sat.aq.sol.) + + +1
Calcium hydroxide (aqueous) K. a. + +
Calcium hypochlorite K. a. o +
Camphor   + + +
Cellulose paints K. a. K. a. +
Chlorine, chlorine water K. a. - -
Chloramines K. a. + -
Chlorobromomethane 98% + - o
Chloracetic acid (aqueous) 10% + + -
Chlorethanal K. a. K. a. -
Chlorine gas   - - -
Chloroform   + o -
Chlorosulphonic acid (aqueous)   - - -
Chlorine water + o -
Hydrogen chloride gas K. a. + -
Chromic acid (aqueous) 1% + + -
Chromic acid (aqueous) 10% + + -
Citrus fruits K. a. + +
Cyclohexane   + + +
Decahydronaphthalene = decalin + - +
Dibutylether + o +
Dibutyl phthalate  + + +
Dichlorobenzene + o +
Dichloroethene + + +
Dichloroethylene   + K. a.  -
Diethyl ether + o o
Dimethylformamide   + + +
Dioctyl phthalate  + + +
Dioxan + + +
Inert gases (argon, helium, neon) K. a. K. a. +
Ferric chloride (aqueous) neutra 10% o + +1
Iron (III) chloride (aqueous) acidic 10%  + + -
Ferric chloride 2,5% K. a. K. a. o
Ferric chloride 5% o K. a. o
Ferric chloride tot. solution K. a. + o
Anodic solutions (HNO3-30%/H2SO4-10%) K. a. K. a. o
Acetic acid 10% + + -
Acetic acid 2% + + -
Acetic acid 90% o + -
Ethanal (aqueous) 40% K. a. o o
Ethanol (aqueous) 96% + + o
Ethyl acetate   + + +
Ethyl K. A K. a. +
Ethyl chloride + + +
Ethylene diamine (1,2-Ethylene diamine) K. A + +
Ethylene glycol (aqueous) 95% + + o
Ethylene oxide (1.2-epoxyethane) K. a. - o
greases, cooking fat + + +
Fluor K. a. - -
Fluorinated hydrocarbons   + K. a. +
Hydrofluoric acid (aqueous) 4% + + -
Formaldehyde (aqueous) 30% + + o
Formamide  + + o
Fruit juices K. a. + +
Furfurol + o o
Glycol   + + o
Glycerine + + +
Uric acid (aqueous) 10% K. a. + +
Urea  + + +
Heptane   + + +
Hexachlorobenzene + K. a. -
Hexachloroethane + - +
Hexamethyl phosphoric acid triamide K. a. K. a. -
Hexane + + +
Humic acids K. a. + o
Hydroquinone (aqueous) 5% + + -
Isooctane 80% + + +
Isopropyl alcohol = isopropanol + + +
Isopropyl ether   + o +
Tincture of iodine 3% + + -
Caustic potash lye 10% K. a. + +1
Caustic potash lye 20% + + o
Caustic potash lye 50% K. a. + o
Potassium bromide (aqueous) 10% + + o
Potassium carbonate (aqueous) 60% + + +1
Potassium chloride (aqueous) 10% K. a. + +1
Potassium chloride (aqueous) 90% + + +1
Potassium dichromate (aqueous) 5% + + o
Potassium nitrate (aqueous) 10% + + +1
Potassium permanganate (aq.) 1% + + -
Potassium sulphate tot. solution + + +1
Casein K. A K. a. +
Caustic potash lye (aqueous) 40% + K. a. +
Caustic sodium bicarb. (aqueous) 50% + K. a. o
Ketones (aliphatic) K. A K. a. o
Hexafluorosilic acid (aqueous) 30% K. A + -
Cobalt salts (aqueous) K. A K. a. +
Carbon dioxide gas + + +
Ammonium carbonate (aqueous) 10% + K. a. +
Carbon disulphide   + K. a. +
Aqua regia HCI/HNO3  (75/50 Vol.) + - +
Cresol   + + -
Cupric sulphate 0,5% + K. a. o
Copper sulphate tot. solution + K. a. o
Resistance classes: + resistant; o conditionally resistant; – not resistant; N/ A No data available
1)The plain bearings are not chemically assaulted by substances. But they can be significantly altered by the water absorption.

Chemicals PEEK - cage PP - cage PA - cage
Linseed oil  + + +
Lithium bromide/ -chloride/ -salts (aqueous) 50% + K. a. o
Lithium chloride in alcohol 20% K. A K. a. -
Soldering fluid K. A K. a. -
Air, liquid K. A K. a. o
Magnesium chloride (aqueous) 10% K. A + +1
Magnesium hydroxide (aqueous)   K. A + +1
Maleic acid (aqueous) 10% K. A + o
Maleic acid conc. solution K. A + -
Malt K. A K. a. +
Manganese sulphate (aqueous) 10% K. A K. a. o
Sea water + + +
Molasses K. A + +
Methane   + + +
Methanol   K. A + +
Methanol  +20% CaCl2 or LiCl o K. a. -
Methyl acetate   + + +
Methylamine K. A + +
Methyl chloride K. A - -
Methyl ethyl ketone   + + +
Milk   + + +1
Milk acid 10% + + +
Milk acid 90% + + o
Molykote-lubrication grease + K. a. +
Mortar, cement, lime K. A K. a. +
Naphthalene + + +
Naphthalenesulfonic acid K. A K. a. -
Sodium acetate (aqueous) 10% + + -
Sodium bisulphite (aqueous) 10% + + +1
Sodium bromide (aqueous) 10% + + +1
Sodium carbonate (aqueous) 21,5% + + +1
Sodium carbonate (aqueous) 50% + + +1
Sodium carbonate 5% + + +1
Sodium chlorate (aqueous) 10% K. A + o
Sodium chloride tot. solution + + +1
Sodium dichromate (aqueous) 10% K. A K. a. o
Sodium dodecyl benzenesulfonate K. A + +
Sodium hypochlorite  (aqueous) 10% + + -
Sodium hypophosphite (aqueous) 10% K. A K. a. +
Sodium nitrate (aqueous) 10% + + +1
Sodium nitrilotriacetate (aqueous) 10% K. A K. a. +
Sodium oleate K. A K. a. +
Sodium salts 10% K. A K. a. +
Sodium sulphate 10% + + +1
Sodium sulphite, neutral 2% + + +1
Sodium thiosulphate 10% + K. a. +1
Sodium hydroxide solution (aqueous) 10% + + -
Sodium hydroxide solution (aqueous) 50% + K. a. o
Nickel salts (aqueous) 10% K. A K. a. o
Nitriloacetic acid K. A K. a. +
Nitrobenzene   + + -
Nitrous gases K. A K. a. o
Nitro paint hazard class A I K. A K. a. o
Nitro paint hazard class A II K. A K. a. +
Nitromethane   + + o
Nitrotoluene K. A + o
Octane K. A + +
Oil, edible oil   + + +
Oleum - - -
Oleic acid   + + +
Oxalic acid (aqueous) 10% + + o
Ozone   + o -
Palmitic acid K. A + +
Paraffin K. A + +
Paraffin oil + + +
Perfumes K. A + +
Perchloroethylene   + o -
Perchloric acid 10% + + -
Phenol (aqueous) 6% K. a. K. a. -
Phenol (aqueous) 88% K. a. + -
Phenol (alcoholic) 70% o + -
Phosphoric acid (aqueous) 0,3% + + o
Phosphoric acid (aqueous) 10% + + -
Phosphoric acid (aqueous) 3% + + o
Phthalic acid tot. solution + + o
Polyester resins (with styrene) + K. a. +
Propane, propene + + +
Propanol   + + +
Propenoic acid K. a. K. a. -
Pyridine  + o +
Mercury + + +
Mercurous chloride 6% + + -
Resorcinol  (1.3-dihydroxybenzene) 50% K. a. K. a. -
Salicylic acid   + + +
Nitric acid (aqueous) 2% + + -
Nitric acid (aqueous) 5% + + -
Nitric acid (aqueous) L50 K. a. K. a. -
Hydrochloric acid 10% + + -
Hydrochloric acid 2% + + -
Hydrochloric acid L20 K. a. K. a. -
Oxygen gas 23°C, without pressure + + +
Lubricating oil, mineral + K. a. +
Lubricating oil, synthetic + K. a. o
Sulphur  + + +
Sulphuric acid (conc.) 98% - o -
Sulphuric acid 10% o + -
Sulphuric acid 2% o + -
Hydrogen sulphide (aqueous) K. a. + o
Hydrogen sulfide (dry) + + +
Soap suds + + +1
Silver nitrate + + +1
Silicone oils  + + +
Soda solution 10% + + +1
Edible fats 100% + + +
Edible oils  + + +
Nitrogen oxides (dry) K. a. - o
Styrene  + o +
Tallow + + +
Tar  + + +
Tetrahydrofuran (solvent)   + o +
Tetralin  + - +
Thionyl chloride + - o
Ink, colour  + + +1
Toluene   + o +
Transformer oil  + o +
Trichloroethane + K. a. o
Trichloroacetic acid (aqueous) 50% K. a. + -
Trichloroethylene   + o -
Triethanolamine 90% + K. a. +1
Trisodium phosphate 90% + K. a. +
Indian ink  + K. a. +1
Uranium fluorides K. a. K. a. -
Urine + + +
Vaseline + + o
Violet oil  + K. a. +
Wax, melted  + o +
Washing machine cleaner (Phos-
phoric acid + nitric acid)
+ + o
Water vapour + + -
Water glass (sodium silicate) + + +1
Hydrogen peroxide 0.5% + + +
Hydrogen peroxide 30% + + -
Tartaric acid   + + o
White spirit  + K. a. +
Xylene  + - o
Zinc chloride (aqueous) 10% + + -
Zinc oxide  + K. a. +
Zink sulphate (aqueous) 10% + + +1
Citric acid (aqueous) 10% + + o
Citric acid conc. solution + + +1
Citrus fruits K. a. + +
Resistance classes: + resistant; o conditionally resistant; – not resistant; N/ a No data available

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