P4 Rol E-Chain® - 2 new sizes

Energy efficiency with P4


P4.32 - new size and “light” design


32mm inner height and new design for more applications (i.e. storage/retrieval - fast and quiet)

light, lean design

high dynamics, also under space restrictions

smooth, shock free motion, running offset with non-split rollers

fill weights up to 7kg/m

For long travels

speed up to 10m/s

P4.42 - new size


42mm inner height, „classic“ P4 design

high speed up to 10m/s

long travels up to 800m

high fill weight up to 10kg/m

smooth, shock free motion, running offset with split rollers

P4.32: Specifically for fast motion in long travels under space constraints, i.e. in storage/retrieval systems, cold storages, etc.


P4.42: Smaller inner height with proven heavy duty design, for demanding crane applications


Long travels - safe, fast and quiet


Save up to 60% power with P4

More information regarding Energyefficient  
Energyefficient polymer E-Chains® and cables reduce consumption by up to 60%

With the right materials and clever design, the energy consumption can be drastically reduced, as now proven by current tests and sample calculations in the Energy Chain® and cable laboratory at igus®. igus® E-Chains® and Chainfl ex® cables reduce the required drive power and extend the application‘s service life.

  Part No.
Inner height
Hi [mm]
Inner width
Bi [mm]
Outer height
ha [mm]
Outer width
Ba [mm]
R [mm]
T [mm]
  P4.32.Bi.R.0 32 100 - 200 54 132 - 232 75 - 250 56 600 10 7  Inquiry
  P4.42.Bi.R.0 42 100 - 200 64 154 - 254 100 - 300 67 800 10 10  Inquiry
  P4.56.Bi.R.0 56 200 - 400 84 270 - 470 150 - 350 91 800 10 20  Inquiry
  P4.80.Bi.R.0 80 200 - 400 108 276 - 476 150 - 350 100 800 10 30  Inquiry
  Middle strap P4.56.R. Bi1/Bi2/Bi3.R56 and P4.80.R. Bi1/Bi2/Bi3.R80  


Delivery time: P4.32 from June 2009, other sizes 3-5 days
Successful application with igus® system P4.56

Successful application with P4.56 on a new RMG crane. 130m travel length at 150m/min speed. Harnessed with igus® Chainflex® motor-, control- and fiber optic cables

The world longest travels with polymer Rol E-Chains®

The world´s longest travel with an igus E-Chain-System® - 615m travel on the conveyor of the large „Tušimice II“ brown coal excavator.


Another long igus® travel: 550m in a „Takonit“ mine in the USA with E4 Rol E-Chains® and Chainflex® cables

Realize better noise-values and higher speeds with igus® P4


More information:

Energy efficiency with E-Chains® and Chainflex® cables on long travel distances,
Interview with Michael Blaß, Salesmanager E-ChainSystems® (German)


More than 100,000 products available! Delivery and consultation Mon-Fri from 7am-8pm and Sat from 8am-12pm!

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