igus® Visitor survey

Dear Visitor,
welcome to the igus® website.
Over the past few years your criticism and your ideas have contributed greatly towards making the igus® website even more user-friendly and more varied too.
Thanks very much!

Do you like our new website? Have we managed to create a simple, user-friendly website? Is there any information, functions or contents that you can't find? Is there anything that you can't find again since the last time you visited us?
You can let us know about this here.

We are also happy to give you assistance on the phone or by email

Many thanks for your visit!

Your igus® team

How did igus® come to your attention?
Search engines
Trade fairs

What is your judgement of the following properties on the www.igus.eu website?
Agree fully Agree in part Don't agree
Easy navigation
Clear arrangement
Appealing layout
Pages quick to load
Good search function
Detailed product information

How satisfied are you with the homepage in general? Please place a check against ratings 1 to 6 (1= very good, 6 = unsatisfactory).
Very good

On a scale of "1" to "10", indicate the probability of your further recommending the website www.igus.eu?
(10 = very probable, 1 = not probable)
 10   9   8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1

How often do you visit the igus® homepage?
Every day
Every week
Every month
Every three months
Less often than this

For what purpose do you mainly visit the igus® homepage?
I'm looking for information on igus® E-ChainSystems®
I'm looking for information on igus® Chainflex® cables
I'm looking for information on igus® ReadyChain®
I'm looking for information on igus® iglidur® plain bearings
I'm looking for information on igus® igubal® spherical bearings
I'm looking for information on igus® DryLin® linear plain bearings
I'm looking for contacts and contact information
I want to order igus® products or ask about prices
I want to download 2-D / 3-D CAD data
I want to calculate the service life using expert systems
I want to order a catalog, a sample or CD-ROM
Other reasons:

Do you find there is something missing on the new igus.de website? Is it missing a particular function? What can we change on this website to make it even more user-friendly?

For further inquiry please tell us your name and e-mail address.
Name:    Email:

Thank you for participating in the homepage survey! With that, you have made a significant contribution towards improving our internet appearance.

Your igus® team

More than 100,000 products available! Delivery and consultation Mon-Fri from 7am-8pm and Sat from 8am-12pm!

Other contact options

+49 (0) 2203-9649-0
Send e-mail to igus®
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